What does it mean to be a healer in today’s world or follow a healing path?

Finding Eagle is my story as a scientist, mother, and budding writer pulled from depression by the miraculous appearance of a shaman in my life. Unlike stories of those who learn from indigenous shamans in far-away places, my story begins in a motel room in Santa Fe, New Mexico. The shaman is dressed in blue jeans, his rattle is a box of Tic-Tac’s, and his drum is the plastic motel wastebasket…

As the foundation is laid for me to become a healer, I share my understanding of shamanism and shamanic healing in a modern-day context. Join me in my journey as I learn what the spirits have to say about stepping out of depression, fear, and grief and into a life of purpose. Experience, from the inside out, a process of awakening and growing into this ancient spiritual practice – which is available to each of us in our own way.

Paperback — $17.95
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Also available in print and Kindle versions on Amazon.com.
Shipping & payment questions, email: mhulburt@gmail.com


Healing happens in its own time, in steps and stages, circles and spirals, and every once in awhile in a lightning flash of truth. I was lucky enough to encounter one of those lightning strikes not long ago when I came across a volume of poems I had written when I was seventeen.

From the innocence of youth, my younger self had explored the wisdom, hopes, fears, and simple facts of the ups and downs of life. My surprise was that so many of my “learnings” along my shamanic spiritual path were known to me at 17 and expressed so much more eloquently in poetry than my writings today at 62.

This book is a side-by-side glimpse into my shamanic way of being as an adult and the poetry of my youth. Our chosen spiritual path encompasses our life-long inner spirit, and our own youthful strength can draw us out of pain and fear, even decades later. This soul-filled journey into the poetry of the past is an invitation for each of us to reconnect ourselves with the power of our own personal history and timeless wisdom of our youth.

Paperback — $12.00
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Also available in print and Kindle versions on Amazon.com.
Shipping & payment questions, email: mhulburt@gmail.com