Category: Being in the World

  • A Most Awesome Spirit of Nature: The Sun

    A Most Awesome Spirit of Nature: The Sun

    On August 21, 2017, “The Great American Eclipse” swept across the United States from Oregon to South Carolina. As it happened, the Zone of Totality – the geographic strip where the moon would fully block the sun – crossed just 200 miles south of us in southern Idaho. I had heard stories of inspiration, endorphin…

  • Words that Harm, Words that Heal, and How to Tell the Difference

    Words that Harm, Words that Heal, and How to Tell the Difference

    As we move out into the world as spiritual beings, to tell our stories, live our values, and cultivate a healing presence, it is good to pay attention to our words. Words carry power. They can bless us or curse us. We can bless or curse others, without even knowing it, unless we are fully…

  • Spiritual Burdens that Are Ours and Not Ours

    Spiritual Burdens that Are Ours and Not Ours

    Everything has a spirit – from the slow and simple spirit of a pebble, perhaps, to the angry bit of war spirit darting from someone’s eyes, to the hidden wisdom of our personal spirit helpers, to the unbounded embrace of the spirit of the universe. Everything that is, is alive. In the course of our…

  • Owaje


    The power of a journey circle, where several people who practice shamanism come together to journey as a group, is that the more people who compassionately give of themselves, the more strongly the spirits become engaged. A journey circle is a powerful place to take a request for healing or wisdom. Once in a while,…

  • Patterns


    To my mind, the most beautiful thing in the world is patterns. They are restful, mesmerizing, they leave me awe-struck, and draw me in to the vastness and simplicity of the universe. Patterns are comfortable and comforting. At their heart, they are simple and predictable. We can relax into their rhythm with full abandon and…