Category: Personal practice

  • “Living in the Heart of the Universe” – Book Review

    “Living in the Heart of the Universe” – Book Review

    Over the past 14 years, my shamanic training and exploration has carried me along two simultaneous and complimentary paths. One of these paths has been journeying to the Upper and Lower spirit worlds for wisdom and healing power. These journeys are where the  compassionate healing spirits hear our requests of them and give us help…

  • Why Apprenticeship

    Why Apprenticeship

    This fall will mark the beginning of my fifth year offering a shamanic apprenticeship program. To date, 60 students have participated with me in some combination of foundational and continuing apprenticeship group programs and individual apprenticeship trainings. Each year, and especially as I begin to teach new advanced shamanic classes and workshops outside of the…

  • Shamanism as a Sustaining Path

    Shamanism as a Sustaining Path

    For more than a dozen years, I have been searching, as a writer, for the words to adequately express what shamanism has given me. When I am asked what shamanism is, I find myself saying, “Well, it can be many things. It can be a spiritual path, a healing modality, a source of personal strength…

  • Being a Healing Presence

    Being a Healing Presence

    We are all healers. Each of us has the capacity to reach out to another human being, to an animal or plant, or the Earth itself, and offer help where it is needed. It is in our nature as thinking, feeling, human beings to extend ourselves to others when we can. I first learned this…

  • Daily Practice

    Daily Practice

    Several people have asked me recently how often I journey or if I have a daily practice for staying in connection with the spirits. Working with the spirits is kind of like riding a bicycle. They are always with us whether or not we feel their presence in any particular moment. It is unnecessary to…