Shamanism is a 40,000-year old practice of working with compassionate, healing spirits to bring wisdom and healing power to ourselves, others, our communities, and the planet Earth.

It has been found on every continent around the world and in many variations depending upon the diverse cultures in which it has evolved.

Core Shamanism, developed by Michael Harner of the Foundation for Shamanic Studies, consists of the core practices which are common or near-universal among all shamanic traditions without the specific cultural aspects of any one of them. Core shamanism includes:

  • rhythmic drumming to help change state of consciousness
  • the shamanic journey to make a healing request
  • the gift of wisdom and healing power not accessible in an ordinary state of consciousness
  • relationship with ancestors, teachers, power animals, and other helping spirits
  • the intention to help alleviate pain and suffering

In our modern world, shamanism can be a valuable tool to help us:

  • access our own hidden wisdom
  • release painful emotions or trauma
  • heal past wounds
  • activate our self-healing mechanisms
  • stimulate creativity and problem-solving
  • better understand the universe and our own life purpose
  • connect with the Divine